Broadbent Law Blog

Be Careful of License Suspensions

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Often, Massachusetts motorists receive tickets and pay them, not thinking of the consequences. Sure, there is a fine of $50.00 or $100.00, but that is it, right? WRONG!

In Massachusetts, almost all moving violations are characterized as "surchargeable events." What does that amount to?

First, with a moving violation, if it is surchargeable, your insurance company has the right to surcharge your insurance. What that amounts to is an increase of approximately 10% of your premium per year for 3 to 6 years. So it amounts to a lot of cash that comes out of your pocket.

The penalties do not end just in your purse. Most Massachusetts motorists are not aware that the number of surchargeable offenses can also amount to suspensions on your license.

The following is a breakdown of suspensions for surchargeable events:

1. 3 speeding tickets in 1 year- If you are found responsible (or pay the fine) for 3 speeding tickets within a 1 year period, there is an automatic 30 day suspension.

2. 3 surchargeable events in a 2 year period- if you are found responsible (or pay the fine) for 3 moving violations, including accidents, within a 2 year period, you are required to take a safe driver course. If you do not take the course within a prescribed time, you will receive a suspension until the course is completed.

3. 7 surchargeable events in a 3 year period- if you are found responsible (or pay the fine) for 7 moving violations, including accidents, within a 2 year period, there is an automatic 60 day suspension on your license.

4. 12 surchargeable events in a 5 year period (Habitual offender) - if you are found responsible (or pay the fine) for 12 moving violations, or if you are convicted of 3 major violations within a 5 year period, there is a 4 year suspension on your license. Accidents are not included in the habitual offender suspension.

Because of the possibility of the suspensions, it is important to always fight your Massachusetts traffic tickets. Your best chance for success on these tickets is by using an experienced traffic attorney.

If you have received a ticket and wish to speak with an attorney, contact Broadbent & Taylor for a free consultation.

| Categories: General, Traffic, Insurance Surcharge, CDL, Speeding, Suspensions | Tags: license suspension, insurance, surcharge, ticket | View Count: (2359) | Return
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